How to Replace Your Garage Door Weather Stripping

Having strong weather seals on your garage door is essential for defending your home against the elements. Over time, these seals can begin to break down, which could allow rain, snow or tiny critters to damage your home. Replacing these weather seals will give you the peace of mind and comfort you deserve. 

Keep reading to learn how you can replace your garage door weather stripping in a few easy steps. 

Benefits of Garage Door Weather Stripping

While your garage door weather seals safeguard your home and belongings from all sorts of weather conditions and animals, they’re also crucial for maintaining a consistent internal temperature. Sealing all cracks around your garage door will help create a comfortable space and decrease your utility bills. 

Removing Garage Door Weather Stripping

To start your weather stripping replacement job, you’ll have to remove your current seals from your garage door’s frame. This process is often straightforward and only requires a hammer, pry bar or flathead screwdriver. 

Start by inserting your chosen tool beneath the edge of your current weather seals. Then, push the tool away from your body so that the end beneath the strip moves toward you, lifting the nail and strip with it. Doing this near each nail on the strip ensures a clean, damage-free removal. Once you have the first one off, you can repeat this same process for the rest of your seals. 

Measuring and Cutting Your Garage Door Weather Stripping

Many weather strips will come in pre-cut sizes from your local store, commonly ranging from 7 to 9 feet long. You can find the exact size you need by measuring the length of your current weather seals with a tape measure. 

If you want to save some time, lay your current weather seal on top of your new one and use a pencil to trace how much you’ll need to use on the new one. When you’re ready to cut, you can use a box knife or a hand saw to trim it down to the size you need. It’s wise to cut your side pieces about 1/4-inch shorter than your garage height to prevent them from touching the ground, which could make them collect water and possibly rot. 

Installing Your Top Garage Door Weather Seal

You should attach the top weather seal to your garage door frame first. With your door closed, ensure your weather sealing is flush and firmly pressed against the door and fasten it using nails or screws. You can tap the nails halfway in to give yourself some wiggle room if things need to be adjusted. 

Installing Your New Weather Seals on the Sides

Once you attach your top weather seal to your garage door, push the ends of the side seal up to the corner. Ensure it is touching the top strip and not resting on the ground. Pressing firmly against the door, secure the seal with nails that are halfway in and do the same with the other side. 

Once everything is in its correct place, try opening and closing your garage door to ensure it runs well. After making any adjustments, you can nail the seals in place fully. Now enjoy keeping your garage secure and your home energy efficient!

Replace Your Garage Door Weather Stripping With Cornwell Door Service

Whether you’re missing a weather strip on your garage door or you want to update your current seal, Cornwell Door is ready to help. We have been operating since 1972 and provide garage door services to homeowners across Central Pennsylvania. If you have any questions about weather sealing your garage door, we’re happy to help. 

Do you live in the Central Pennsylvania region? We are happy to install weather stripping or perform any garage door services for you. Call us at 717-273-9841 or schedule an appointment online today!

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