Does Insurance Cover My Garage Door Repair?

We are told throughout life to make sure we have insurance to help us in times of need. Between cars, homes, life, health, dental and more, there are so many different policies and coverage plans available for us to feel secure in our daily lives.

Does Homeowners’ Insurance Cover Garage Doors?

So what happens when your garage door receives damage? Whether it’s from your car, a neighbor’s car, a random criminal or unpredictable weather, you’ll want to find the most coverage you can for repair work costs. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as garage door insurance. The question that most commonly follows is: Does homeowners’ insurance cover garage doors?

The easy answer is “yes and no.” Multiple factors play a role such as how much damage occurred and what your homeowners’ policy can cover, though most homeowners insurance policies cover any damage you or your family do to a garage door. Here is how to definitively tell if your homeowners’ insurance will cover garage door repairs:

1. You Backed Into Your Garage Door

While leaving your home, you hit your garage door with your car. You could’ve sworn you pressed the remote to open your garage door, you glance away for one second, and bam — your bumper hit your garage door panel. You know there’s minor damage to your car, but the dent in your garage door is staring at you. What do you do?

Auto insurance will not cover the door damage because you are liable for the damage. However, if you look into your homeowners’ insurance plan, you will often find coverage there. After all, your garage is a part of your home, and as long as you or your family member backed into the garage door, you can make an insurance claim.

2. A Neighbor’s Car Hit Your Garage Door

If a neighbor or a friend has a fender-bender with your garage door, look into the details of their auto insurance policy. They are liable for property damages they incur, meaning your repairs are covered by them — as long as the repair costs of your garage door do not exceed their policy. The excess cost will not be covered by their car insurance, meaning the rest will be paid out-of-pocket.

3. Someone Painted Graffiti on Your Garage Door

Vandalism, theft, burglary, graffiti — all of this is considered “malicious mischief” and is often protected under your homeowners’ insurance coverage. Make sure to take photos of the crime and reach out to your insurance agent to help you make an insurance claim for the damage done to your garage door. Be aware that some insurance agents will also ask for a police report to be filed, so make sure to reach out to the proper officials or law enforcement as well.

4. Severe Weather Dented Your Garage Door

This is the trickest situation as far as homeowners’ insurance coverage goes. Read the fine print of your homeowners’ insurance policy and make sure you fully understand the language used in your policy. It’s common for some — but not all — to cover garage door damage caused by weather elements. While wind and hail are most commonly cleared and covered by insurance, any garage door damaged caused by flooding will require out-of-pocket expenses for repairs

Be Smart and Weigh the Costs

In any instance where your garage door incurs damage, you’ll want to evaluate all of your insurance and coverage options. If your accident is very minor, it may be more worthwhile to fix it yourself. Many insurance companies require you to pay the deductible and amounts that exceed your limit — this can quickly climb to thousands of dollars before your eyes.

When it’s time to replace your broken springs, damaged tracks or panels from your garage door, consider requesting an estimate from Cornwell Door Service. Our professionals will work quickly and efficiently to restore your garage door’s beauty and functionality. Looking to learn more? Call us at 717-273-9841!

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